✍️ In this video lecture, we present a brief introduction about the importance of creep in industrial design. Also, we introduce a research project for further reading. Furthermore, we are going to get familiar with some basic terms and models for creep calculations in material science.

The phenomenon of creep is the origin of many challenges in the design of industrial parts. The first step to deal with these challenges is to find some methods to predict the residual life of industrial components which are operating in a critical condition (high thermal and mechanical loads for a long time).

Boilers, reactors, turbine, pressure vessels, etc. in heavy industries such as aerospace, petrochemical, nuclear and power plant industries are exposed to loading conditions that involve long-term high temperature and forces. Correct estimation of life span for these industrial parts is crucial because the failure of these components can result in a catastrophe such as the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster.

Creep is one of the main factors (beside corrosion and fatigue) to consider for remnant life estimation of components.

Through remarkable research, which takes about six years, we have developed innovative methods to predict the remnant life of industrial components.

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If you are interested in this subject, find more specific information through our published articles in peer-reviewed journals and conferences:

  1. Loghman A, Moradi M, (2018) “Creep damage and life assessment of thick-walled spherical reactor using Larson–Miller parameter”, International Journal of Pressure Vessels and Piping.


  • Moradi M, Loghman A, (2017) “Non-axisymmetric Time-Dependent Creep Analysis in a Thick-Walled Cylinder Due to the Thermo-mechanical loading”, Journal of Solid Mechanics.


  • Loghman A and Moradi M, (2015) “A novel approach for steady-state creep analysis of thick-walled cylindrical pressure vessels”, 23rd Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2015.


  • Loghman A and Moradi M, (2014) “Comparison stress rate with strain rate methods for time-dependent creep analysis in FGM thick walled spheres”, 22st Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2014.


  • Loghman A and Moradi M, (2013) “The electro-magneto-thermo-mechanical analysis of a thick-walled sphere made of Functionally Graded Piezoelectric Material”, 21st Annual International Conference on Mechanical Engineering-ISME2013.


  • Loghman A and Moradi M, (2012) “The analysis of time-dependent creep in FGPM thick walled sphere under electro-magneto-thermo-mechanical loadings”, Journal of Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials.


The music of this video:

“After You” by Dan Lebowitz is free licensed ♫

“Hickory Hollow” by Dan Lebowitz is free licensed ♫

“Moving On” by Wayne Jones is free licensed ♫

“Sunshine on Sand” by Unicorn Heads is free licensed ♫

This Video is:

● Authored and Recorded by Mehdi Moradi

● Edited and reviewed by Mehdi Moradi